Relationships Australia – Post-separation mediation and courses on commitment preparation

When people separate they often don’t know where to start. That’s generally because there is no perfect starting point. There is no tried and tested way of leaving a relationship or marriage, your separation/divorce will be as unique as your relationship is. However, getting some basic legal advice about your specific circumstances and then meeting with a mediator to discuss together the next steps, seems to work really well for some couples.

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Bonnie Esposito
Why does she stay? Domestic violence, implicit bias and the legal system

I attended a lecture at Melbourne University (old Stomping Ground!) earlier this week to hear Justice Eugene M Hyman a retired Supreme Court judge from California speak about Domestic Violence, Implicit Bias and the Legal System.

The presentation was organised by the Melbourne Social Equity Institute and the Melbourne Research Alliance to End Violence against Women and their Children.

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Bonnie EspositoComment
The importance of empathy

Empathy is an effective tool to switch you focus from the problem to the solution. It is worth taking the time to consider what is motivating your partner and what a successful post separation outcome might look like to them.

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Bonnie Esposito